
14 February, 2023 | News

The Latest Edition of Bagno Architettura with Renderings by DomuS3D

The special edition Il Bagno Oggi e Domani is back with new projects designed by some of the most important names in Italian interior design. As in past editions, this year once again features renderings created with DomuS3D.

The Bagno Architettura special feature of Il Bagno Oggi e Domani is now in its third edition.

This year continues the collaboration between Maticad and the acclaimed magazine Il Bagno Oggi e Domani with the special edition feature Bagno Architettura, now in its third edition. As in previous editions (click here to see last year’s projects), some of the most acclaimed names in Italian interior design present their vision of the bathroom, designing unique spaces that differ vastly from one another but are all united by the theme of hospitality.

The creation of the Bagno Architettura special included the collaboration of many leading manufacturers and brands from the tile and bath industries, partnering with the architects to make their products and their most innovative solutions available for the projects.

Here at Maticad, we created the rendering images for the projects, generated with our professional interior design software DomuS3D. More than ever before, due to the very personal nature of each project, creating renderings that properly expressed the ideas of whoever designed the space proved to be an immense challenge. We gave it our all, working closely with the architects during the rendering phase to refine the images. Now, it’s up to you, our readers, to decide whether we succeeded with these renderings.

The Bagno Archittura special is available in print and in a digital version (you can download it here), filled with multimedia content.

The Projects


Project by Francesco Meneghello

Image created with DomuS3D

Forest & Garden Bathroom

Project by Marco Carini Studio

Image created with DomuS3D


Project by Dainelli Studio

Image created with DomuS3D


Project by Nora Santonastaso

Image created with DomuS3D

Back to Basics

Project by Didonè Comacchio Architects

Image created with DomuS3D

You can find all the complete projects in the new Bagno Architettura in print or in digital here.