
28 June, 2023 | News

DomuS3D 2023: New Features!

The latest version of DomuS3D offers users an even more professional design experience, from start to finish. From tiles and materials, to rendering, and even post-processing, DomuS3D 2023 is filled with upgrades and new features that make designing faster, easier, and more complete. Let’s check out some of the updates together!

The 2023 version of DomuS3D, filled with new features and upgrades, is finally available for download. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most important new features and updates available in the new version of Maticad’s professional interior design software. We’ll see important updates and improvements to tiling, furnishing, materials, rendering, and post-processing. Let’s take a look!

Wall Tiling: Multi-Wall 2D

In DomuS3D 2023, it is possible to view multiple walls simultaneously from the 2D Wall window. The program always opens three walls by default: the selected wall and the two adjoining walls. A yellow band above the wall indicates which of the walls is active (i.e. on which wall you can make modifications), while the arrows allow you to move and activate the side walls.

Wall Tiling: Extend Wall Tiling

In the 2023 version of DomuS3D, a new Extend wall tiling command was added. All you need to do is right click on the wall with the tiling you are interested in extending, select the Extend wall tiling command and then left click on the coplanar walls on which you want to add the tiling. This feature allows you to extend the tiling continuously in terms of grout, texture, and tile image.

Wall Tiling: Horizontal row height

With the Apply the Pattern Horizontally command from the tiling section of the components window, it is now possible to set a numeric value for the height of a strip of tiles as an alternative to the number of rows when dragging and dropping tiles onto your wall. 

Furniture: Delete single blocks from navigation

This new command, added in the 2023 version of DomuS3D, lets users select and delete single parts, or blocks, of a furnishing item in the navigation window. This function can be used both with furnishing items present in the DomuS3D database and those imported into the project from an external file. This feature is a fundamental part of an advanced and professional design experience, allowing users to import complex furnishing elements that are made up of more than one part or groups of items, and customize the item by deleting certain parts and only using those we need.

Materials: Texture Mapping

Another command that allows for a quicker and more professional design process is the Texture Mapping feature. This command allows us to modify the texture mapping of a 3D element’s surface. We can again use this feature on furnishing items both present in the DomuS3D database or on those imported from external files. With Texture Mapping, we are able to adapt and distribute a texture to best fit on the surface of any 3D element, perfecting its scale and positioning with the Offset and Scale sliders.

Rendering: Clipping Plane

Thanks to the new Clipping Plane function, it is now possible to position a camera outside of our room and automatically hide all the parts of the scene positioned between the viewpoint and the clipping plane. Everything in our scene that intersects the plane or is found beyond the plane will be visible. Learn more in this article!

Rendering: Wireframe Command (Toon)

In DomuS3D 2023, you can generate conceptual renderings using the parameters white render or clay render and now with the addition of the “Toon” parameter. Once we’ve selected our viewpoint from the navigation window, select Start Rendering, open the Advanced Parameters tab and activate the Toon option. Lastly, we can set the width of our contour lines with the Line Width parameter.

Rendering: Procedural Clouds

With the integration of V-Ray 6 in DomuS3D 2023, it is now possible to insert procedural clouds in renderings that use the sun as their light source (and not an HDR background). Procedural clouds allow you to recreate the effect of a cloudy sky, choosing the quantity and density of the cloud coverage, and allowing for more precise management in the overexposure of backgrounds. N.B. Clouds are not visible in the navigation window but only in rendering.

Rendering: new V-Ray sky

Another update found in the 2023 version regarding rendering is the possibility to choose between various sky models, among which the new PRG Clear Sky, which improves the atmosphere in sunrise and sunset conditions.

To select the sky model most suited for your scene, you can choose from among the available options under Sky Model in the Natural Light properties window.

Click here to see the full article!

new V-Ray sky

Post Production: Updates to EXR Light Settings

One of the most important post-production modules is the possibility to be able to adjust the EXR light settings after having completed the rendering process.

Based on the parameters used for natural light, background (spherical or HDR), and artificial lights, we will obtain different combinations of EXR lights, which have been reorganized in the 2023 version to create better physical and functional management. Click here to learn more about managing EXR lights!

These are just a few of the updates and new features available in DomuS3D 2023: Click here to discover the full list of new features!

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