
26 April, 2022 | News

Increase the Power of your Website with Maticad Web Apps

Looking for ways to increase online engagement with your products? TilePlanner, RealityRemod, and MobilPlanner are our online software tools that can be integrated on your website to boost performance and capture interest from tons of potential new clients.

Web Apps by Maticad Title Image

We are now officially, without a doubt, fully immersed in the so-called digital age. This has brought with it enormous changes in our daily habits, thanks, above all, to technology. Amongst the many changes that have taken place over the last 20 years, the way we buy products has been completely transformed, and as a result, the way we sell products, as well.

Today, the vast majority of consumers consult the internet to both learn about products that they want to buy and to look for the retail location closest to their home. For example, in the world of interior design, consumers consult an average of 15 websites (of manufacturers, retailers) before choosing which retail location to visit or which products to buy.

Having a strong and effective online presence is not only strategic but vital to your business’s success.

How can you harness the power of your website to increase online presence and boost efficiency? How can you make your website more engaging and increase the number of your web visitors that decide to come into your showroom or buy your products?

There are a number of Web Apps built specifically for the interior design industry that can be easily integrated on your website and customized for your brand. With these digital tools, you’ll be able to engage potential clients online and show off your products, leading them to visit the closest retail location in-person.

These Web Apps are built to develop a digital display case for your products and are an undoubtedly decisive way to help grow your business.

Here at Maticad, we develop a number of different online solutions dedicated to the surface covering industry (tile, ceramic, marble, wood, carpet, etc.) and the furnishing and fixture industries, built for both retailers and manufacturers.

Today, we’ll talk a bit more about some of the software solutions we have available:

– RealityRemod, Augmented Reality for Surfaces

– TilePlanner, Online Design Software

– MobilPlanner, Online Furniture Configurator

RealityRemod, Augmented Reality Web App for Floors and Walls

Using a cell phone to apply new flooring and walls  to a room in real-time
With RealityRemod, homeowners can see your products applied to their floors and walls in real-time.

RealityRemod is the innovative web app that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence applied to augmented reality to swap out the floors and walls of any photo of any room, letting homeowners quickly and easily preview colors and explore new design possibilities. Your customers can take a photo of their room and visualize new design solutions applied to their real home, in real-time.

RealityRemod can be easily integrated on your company website and customized for your brand and your product catalog, letting your visitors simulate different flooring and wall covering solutions using your products. With RealityRemod, it’s easy to attract potential new clients by letting them dream up their new space with your products.

RealityRemod uses artificial intelligence technology to automatically recognize the floors and walls of a photograph, letting you quickly and easily apply new materials to any desired surface using a simple click. This innovative digital technology is a strong marketing tool that is easy to use, able to transform your website into a high-tech, engaging virtual space for new customers.

TilePlanner, online design software

online design tool with custom 3D bathroom using a manufacturers products

Looking for an online design software that is fast and easy to use? Then TilePlanner is the tool for you! TilePlanner is an online configurator that lets your customers design custom 3D spaces quickly and simply, using products from your catalog. TilePlanner can be easily integrated on your website and customized for your brand. You can provide your users a simple way to design using your products, while you generate new leads and information requests, directing potential customers to a showroom near them.

One of the major advantages of using TilePlanner is its superior graphic quality. Its high level of realism helps show off your products in custom designs in real-time. You can also generate photorealistic rendering images of your design projects thanks to a simple cloud rendering service. And, you can always import your TilePlanner project into DomuS3D, our professional interior design software.

TilePlanner is a functional and versatile tool for direct sales, as well. It can be easily integrated on e-commerce platforms, letting users simulate installations of products in custom designed spaces and then proceed with a purchase of the products that satisfy their needs when they’re ready.

With TilePlanner, homeowners can quickly visualize custom remodel and renovation projects of their home.

MobilPlanner, online furniture configurator

a custom 3D bathroom vanity composition built using mobilplanner
With MobilPlanner, you can build custom furniture compositions and visualize them in 3D

MobilPlanner is the online configurator built for interior design, that lets visitors to your website create their own custom 3D furnishing composition. Whether we’re talking about kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, shower enclosures, or any other configurable furnishing element, with MobilPlanner the possibilities are endless. With its intuitive interface, users can start from a preconfigured composition and configure it however they desire, changing its finishes, size, accessories, or even adding new elements.

With MobilPlanner you can efficiently and effectively show all the options you can offer as a company. Users can easily see the wide variety of available compositions possible with your catalog, through a simple and easy tool that anyone can use. MobilePlanner, thanks to its high-performing graphics engine, lets you show off the quality of your materials and finishes, so your customers can have a realistic digital preview of your products.

Just like RealityRemod and TilePlanner, MobilPlanner can also easily be integrated on your website and made available to all your web visitors or, alternatively, only to those who login.

Lastly, one of the most important advantages of using the ecosystem of Maticad web apps is that they allow you to publish and update your products in a centralized online catalog; the same digital catalog is used for all our web apps and our professional software, DomuS3D.

A custom bathroom vanity build using mobilplanner
It’s easy to build a custom furnishing composition using MobilPlanner

In Conclusion

Web Apps like those we’ve just seen are a sure-fire way to help grow your business and will help you take a decisive step towards the digital world. To be fully effective, however, these digital tools must be part of a broader digital strategy, starting from your website (with SEO and SEM) and including your social media channels, as well.

No matter what, the digital component of an interior design business (or any other type!) that wants to be competitive in today’s market is crucial. Web Apps like RealityRemod, TilePlanner, and MobilPlanner are tools that will help you reach these goals and create a successful modern business.